Saturday 7 December 2019

Bean there, done that

I make sure I get a lot of vegetables, a lot of fruit. I am a big fruit man; I am a vegetable man, anyway.
Magic Johnson

To the older generation (who don't read blogs anyway) we have to say the phrase "Fava Beans" over and over again until we realise that if we only had have started with "Broad Beans" the conversation might have flowed more freely. So this week we harvested and packed up "Broad/Fava Beans" which was a happy way to spend quality time with each other. Fourteen packets of beans later we closed out the night with a stash of them cooling in the freezer - nice one garden.

In terms of "Human Beans" we dropped into some mates today (you can tell they're mates from the Charis101 candle on the window sill in the background) to bask in their newly acquired grandparentness. We didn't get clucky at all, honest.

Well, maybe a little. Take care folks and remember that there are no monopoles out there so enjoy the North and South of all of your relationships.

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