Saturday 31 August 2019

Don't need them ashes

If you play good cricket, a lot of bad things get hidden.
Kapil Dev

As Australia stumbles in the ashes series in England (metaphor anyone?), Kym and I thought we might venture down south to see how the local ashes of the summer have recovered. Turning right at Geeveston, we walked into the burnt forest and were amazed to see that six months later the burnt out area is doing very well - green bits shooting everywhere and the rich earthy smell of spring seeping from the ground into the air.

Our hearts were gladdened by the sights, smells and sounds of a very much alive bush. Retiring for a soothing cup of tea and vanilla slice at the local bakery, it was a nice trip to restore our mood and set us up for a fecund season of growth and renewal.

That's stumps everyone (or is there one over to go?)

Tree ferns are doing well

Recent growth

Pretty nice in the middle of the forest - no shops though :(

A vanilla slice cures practically anything

Still some snow on the hills (view from Dover)

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