Sunday 5 May 2019

What is making?

"The more people have time to experience the joys of creativity, the less they will be consumers, especially of mass-produced culture. I see that as a kind of new wealth that counts for more than owning material things. I also see art as something people will do rather than consume, and do it as a natural part of their lives; creative endeavors are a form of profound spiritual satisfaction."
Theodore Roszak

We really enjoy the process of moving from the conception of an idea, like our own clock, to the final product. The months of programming and building rigs to cope with our crazy ICs is loads of fun. The other part of the production is the soldering and also the necessary "crafty" stuff that has to occur before we can walk away from the bench with an actual physical object worthy of the name "clock".

That process used to take around 3-4 hours, and the result would certainly not win any awards for beauty as at the "time" (pun intended) the clock's function clearly triumphed over form. Then we learned the gentle art of PCB design and production, which cut down on the soldering time considerably, and with a few other refinements, the process now takes around 20-30 mins depending on factors outside our control (e.g. a nice cup of tea break or emergency goat shearing).

No matter the joy of the process, we still would not subject anyone to the full reality of the bench work, but as luck would have it we have made a time-lapse version - if you have 3 minutes and 47 seconds to spare. Go on, you know you want to.

We hope you enjoyed that as much as we did.

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