Monday, 11 February 2019

Regatta tat tat

"I don't think I'm a workaholic. Every weekend, I invite my colleagues and friends to my home to play cards. And people, my neighbors, are always surprised because I live on the second floor apartment, and there are usually 40 pairs of shoes in front of my gate, and people play cards inside and play chess. We have a lot of fun."
Jack Ma

Such irony that we contribute so much to Jack Ma via his online business and yet he seems to have fun weekends (especially the chess)! By contrast our long weekend (Hobart Regatta Day) was spent with many hours stowing away another 3 tonne of wood in preparation for the big cold ahead. The BOM tells us that it may snow as early as tomorrow, while there are fire alerts a few kms away? Holy island paradise Batman - what sort of nonsense is that!

Each year we buy and stow bigger amounts of wood, but this year we are convinced we have cracked a proper winter store - check it out in the picture below.

Would that be enough wood
We also bought a decent amount of hay for winter, and was ably assisted by three canines who got as close to Kym as they could without jumping through and carrying hay themselves.

Kym's rocking the flannie
Then there is beer to make (and drink!), yoghurt making, soup making, garden whippering and the usual assortment of domestic chores designed to waste a perfectly good long weekend. Oh well, at least there are the lovely sunflowers festooned with their bumbly mates to cheer us up.

Turn around and wave while you work, ya fluffy fools!

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