Tuesday 9 January 2018

Goats, Ankles, LEDs, Clocks and Puppies

When a gust of wind hits a broken bone, you feel it.
Shia LaBeouf
Okay so here's some lessons to be learnt:

  1. Make sure you fully lace up your boots when moving about on uneven ground
  2. Caffeinate fully before moving about on uneven ground
  3. Don't chase a goat, let the goat come to you with your bucket of pellets
  4. Goats aren't worth a damn compared to full mobility
  5. Even a human with the best of intentions and a strong will cannot win against a goat
  6. Goats are stupid, but some humans stupider

Net result - one broken ankle, three missing goats.

A sheepish Goatherder 
So now Anthony is stumping about in a "moonboot" and many many "holiday" projects are on hold, giving more time for programming and watching movies - bonus?

One programming challenge is a "clock" consisting of 60 LEDs arranged in a circular fashion and a puny Attiny13a tasked to tick tock them - but how to control 60 LEDs with only 5 outputs from the microcontroller? Using a number of shift registers and many days of swearing programming.

One wire gets loose, one brain explodes
So far the test clock with only 16 seconds to a minute seems to work fine, and soon we'll add six more shift registers (8x8 to cover 60 LEDs), then tie it to a Real Time Clock and fire it up with the full 60 LEDs.  To distinguish minutes from hours, the minute LED is currently flashing off every three seconds.

And in the meantime, Smelly Kelly With The Big Fat Belly (SKWTBFB) or Kelly for short is still growing and will soon be a horse we think.

A Melbourne Cup prospect for 2019?
Take care and lace up your boots!

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