Thursday 23 November 2017

Value Adding

"There are two means of refuge from the misery of life — music and cats."
Albert Schweitzer

Nine years ago we were contacted by our local vet in Leeming who had been given three stray kittens (all siblings) found on a super hot day in Perth abandoned by their mum.

Well how could we not be simpatico with that situation?

So into our lives came Lulu (named after Lucy Liu), Casey (named after Casey Stoner - but female?) and Tycho (named after Tycho Brahe).

Casey, Lulu and Tycho in a familial clinch
All was peachy until Lulu (Anthony's favourite) went missing the same day as a verge collection (possibly trying to fatefully disprove the old "curiosity killed the cat" aphorism). Then it became apparent that Tycho should not have been named after an intellectual giant - he was so stupid he fell off people's laps and chairs, ran into doors and generally exhibited the IQ equivalency of a cloth hat.

So we renamed him "Marvin" and suddenly it seemed like he found his niche - sort of like an eccentric uncle that you try not to be alone with in the same room for any great length of time.

Anyhoo Marvin and Casey continue to sail blissfully through life - now in Tasmania. They rarely leave their beds (23 hours of sleep a day seems reasonable given their total lack of economic output) and sometimes they need to be literally carried outside to enjoy a constitutional. Mitch made a "cat hotel" for them many years ago and it dominates our laundry and their lives.

Cheque please!
So what's the point of these useless freeloaders.  Kym says "They make me happy!"

Good enough...

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