Saturday 1 October 2016

For a busy day, just add water!

Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

We watched with horror as first Jackson's birthplace of Forbes (NSW) was taken out by floods, and then South Australia was knocked out by a storm front.  We knew that it would hit these parts a day or so later.  So Wednesday was on the beach with puppies in full sunshine, and Friday was a flood in the basement!  Such is spring in Australia - albeit with increasing ferocity over the years.

Our politicians have sought to reassure the populace and the big end of town (from where they take their donations) that it is renewable energy that is at fault.  I think it is safe to say that we have crossed the intellectual line and can now be thought of as a third world country in terms of governance - look out for Malcolm in epaulettes and a silly hat real soon.

Anyone who starts a sentence with "I'm not a scientist, but..." should stop right there instead of spouting the rest of the nonsense that normally follows.

In the meantime we continue the cleanup...

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