Sunday 24 July 2016

Some little birds come back to the nest

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.
Richard Bach

Even those with a merely a passing interest would know how influential Richard Bach has been - featuring, for instance, in 50th birthday speeches.  This weekend we were surrounded by family, some related by blood and others through intertwining bonds of Richard's "respect and joy".

We dined, we rode around in the car marvelling at the scenery, we went to church and in general had a great and relaxing weekend.

Say "Fromage!"
It also snowed again - such a treat here in the hills but do drive carefully in the black ice as there have been quite a few cars upside down which is not the ideal way to travel.  It is lovely when it snows, and the fireplace is roaring, AND there is an abundance of good food, wine and good conversation...
Lovely outlook across a balcony rail of snow...

1 comment:

  1. Great photo! Your comment about travelling upside down got me smiling on a frosty morning here :-) Sharon
