Tuesday 5 January 2016

Friending and Pretending

We seemed to have been surrounded by Real Estate agents for some time now (about 12 months in all, but concentrated over the last 3 months). It has been an “interesting” experience from a number of perspectives. The laziness and hubris amongst the Perth agents, who are baffled that customers aren’t romping into their office in a bear market, has not only been disappointing but also has cost us our early retirement! Some great quotes from these pelicans:

“Customers these days shop on the internet and they will contact us if they want to see your house” (in response to our frustration of only four home opens in two months)

“If the house was on the other side of South street I could have sold it 20 times” (if a bull was female it could give milk)

We will give a plug here for the Minic Property Group, where Michael and Sabrina were energetic, proactive and communicative. The “Manic Minics”, as we named them, took over a property that had the crappiest representation by a long-term Leeming family run agent, and then ran a modern active campaign that sold the place in a plummeting market.

Here in Tasmania the agents are our great friends (surely not just because we are buying?) and so we have seen around 15 houses in the last month, some quite...er...interesting.  Will keep you posted on that search.

In the meantime it is our 25th Wedding Anniversary, Anthony started work this week and has a birthday on Friday. Busy, no? Here is a pic of Kym shooing the wildlife (lizard!) so we can ascend our precipitous driveway!

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't fill us with great hope - should be interesting when we try to sell our house! I might ask the question upfront - "run me through your selling campaign" or something a little more cheeky - "tell me more about the gazumping we hear is going on at the moment? You must be doing an amazing job!"
