Monday 7 May 2018

How do you like them apples?

Every chef I know, their cholesterol is through the roof. And mine's not so great.
Anthony Bourdain

In our family lexicon "tiny tiny" apples (thanks Jackson) are bursting forth from the crab apple tree. Last year they fell to ground unharvested, as we busied ourselves with tiny tiny people that needed more immediate tending. This year our goofy hound Kelly has reminded us that they have to be dealt with - by carefully picking ripe low hanging fruit in her ridiculously oversized mouth and then carrying them around like a precious gift (she's a bit special).

So yesterday we picked some, and then tried the following made up recipe:
  1. soak mixed fruit in spiced rum for a few hours
  2. core tiny tiny apples
  3. mix the soaked fruit with homemade cherry jam and push into the core
  4. bake and serve with hot custard
  5. praise the Lord for tiny tiny apples
Cored and ready to bake 

OMG thanks tiny tiny apples
Addendum: ...and how about the tomato sauce...

Thank God we drank all of that rum and maple syrup

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